How can we help you?

Voltage provides advice on the full spectrum of workplace matters, from performance management, employee grievances, disciplinary and conduct issues, and the need to scale up quickly or implement a redundancy program. We can help you with required anti-harassment training, employee handbooks, and company ethics programs. At Voltage, we have experience across jurisdictions to customize our advice to your employee base.

As seasoned in-house practitioners, we are used to working closely with HR teams to provide up to date legal support on the issues that impact your business.


Expertise in Employment & Labor Law

Contracts & Licensing

  • Internal investigations
  • Wage and hour compliance
  • Disciplinary and conduct issues
  • Employee disputes and complaints
  • Medical absences and accommodations
  • DEI programs
  • Employee grievances
  • Business restructures/redundancy programs
  • Workplace harassment
  • Employment agreements, including offer letters, executive employment agreements, and separation agreements
  • Pay equity and transparency
  • Employee privacy and data protection


At Voltage, we keep track of changing employment laws to ensure that you are able to attract and retain talent. We will help you address challenging issues in an efficient, effective, and compassionate manner.